Central Coast Comicon 2024 Cosplay Competitions
The Cosplay competition is one of the highlights of Central Coast Comicon and here you will find all the information on the 3 Cosplay Competitions we are running for 2024 on our Main Stage. You can also meet the judges and read up on photography etiquette, and more...
Here are some Quick Links so you can find the information you need!

The Kids Cosplay Catwalk is open to all young Cosplayers 12 and under. It is an opportunity for them to show off their Cosplay while catwalking the stage to some funky tunes. No registration is necessary. Just come to the Main Stage at Central Coast Comicon at 11:45 am and find the Comicon Cosplay Staff Member to put your name on the Junior Cosplay Catwalk list. The Catwalk will start at 12:00pm and the MC will call your name and you will get your opportunity to strut your stuff. The first 70 participants will receive a participation certificate and a Comicon bumper sticker!

The "Register On The Day" Comp is open to all Cosplayers 13 and over including group Cosplays. This competition will be capped at the 40 first entries who sign up via the online registration form on the day of the event.
Registrations will be open from 12:30pm on the day of Central Coast Comicon. The registration form will be accessible via QR code that you will find posted around the event or on the printed event program that you will receive at the entry gates.
If you are one of the first 40 entries you will have an opportunity to take to the Main Stage at 2:45 pm where you will have a minute to catwalk and have a Q&A with our stage MC.
The Judges will be scoring while you have your opportunity on stage. The following categories will win prize packs from our sponsors , Illustris Modelling & 3D Printing and 3D Obsession
Best Group
Honourable Mention
Best Overall Teen
Best Overall Adult
Wild Card

For the second time, Central Coast Comicon is hosting the Masters of Cosplay Competition as one of 3 Cosplay Comps at our 2024 event. The Masters of Cosplay is a pre-registered competition open to people who like to take their cosplaying to the next level by handcrafting over 80% of their Cosplay costume.
10 entries will be selected by our judges to be the Masters of Cosplay Finalists. These finalists will be required to attend Central Coast Comicon, taking place on Saturday 27th May at The Entertainment Grounds, Gosford.
The Masters of Cosplay Competition will be held on the Main Stage at 4:00 pm, where all 10 Finalists will have an opportunity to take to showcase their creations and for a Q&A with our MC or a skit performance while our judges make their decisions of who will be the Central Coast Comicon Master of Cosplay!
There are two titles for this competition;
Master of Cosplay,
& Runner up
Both of these winners will receive prizes from our competition sponsors Illustris Modelling & 3D Printing, 3D Obsessions & Hoyts, As well as the Master of Cosplay and Runner-up trophies!
Terms and Conditions
Your Cosplay has to be at least 80% handcrafted new, recycled, or up-cycled materials
An explanation of your creation/design processes is required
You will need to be attending Central Coast Comicon 2024 and be available to go onstage at 4 pm for the Masters of Cosplay Competition.
Provide permission to post your submitted images to social media where we will tag you.
Judges' on-the-day decisions are final.
Enter Now!
Enter the Master of Cosplay Competition using the registration form below. You will need to upload a maximum of 3 images of your Cosplay. If these are professional photos, please provide the photographer's name so we can credit them if we post them on our social media platforms. You will also need to describe your creative/design and construction processes.
Register your Cosplay by Friday 17th of May by 11:59 pm.
The Finalists will be notified on Monday 20th of May by email and announced to the public across our social media platforms.
We look forward to seeing your Cosplays!
Thank you to our Cosplay Competition Prize Sponsors!

Meet the Judges

eSushi Cosplay is a local cosplayer, who has been cosplaying for the past 7 years (Though do the past two years count?). His main discipline has been working with EVA foam, and has built costumes and props from anime, video games, movies, television, and cartoons. While his key area has been working in foam, his skillset extends to sewing, painting, and recently 3D printing, with a keen interest to eventually try all the other facets of this craft. Being involved in the wider cosplay community, he has shown a keen desire to spread the word of cosplay to all, wanting to show others the fun of the hobby, running several workshops and demonstrations about the wonders of foam, as well as providing guidance to many online.

Danielle Debs, aka 'Where is Danielle?' was initially drawn into cosplay by a love of Sci-Fi and fantasy and a general love of creating things. She began with no prior trained skills in crafting or sewing, and learned through trial and error. She has now been cosplaying for nearly 10 years, and has traveled the country to appear at events, judge competitions, and teach people how to get started in cosplay, as well as working with big names like Bungie, Blizzard, Ubisoft, and Epic Games.
Cosplay for Danielle is about community and creativity. She loves sharing her work and how she makes things with the cosplay community both online and in person. Her aim is to inspire others to be creative and contribute as much fun, joy, and positivity to the world as possible!

Lani has been working for RYSS since 2017. As a Youth Worker they have be involved with lots of projects all over the Central Coast with the RYSS bus, The Youth Collective and Central Coast Comicon.
Lani has been into all things pop culture since they were a kid with a love of all things video games and anime.
Lani started cosplaying in 2015 and their main passion is building armour and props with EVA Foam.
Lani joins the panel of Judges as a representative from RYSS and a keen cosplayer with an eye for attention to detail.
Cosplay Repairs Station

Our friends at 3D Obsession are running their Cospitality Lounge again, and this year it is near their stall in the Cosplay Marketplace
This is a chill space where Cosplayers can retreat to relax from the hustle and bustle of the con. There will be a changing room facility and cosplay repairs station plus comfy seating to relax, take a seat and have a break from the efforts of cosplay while still having a great view of all the ongoings at Central Coast Comicon!
COSPLAY Rules & Regulations
Weapons Policy
Cosplay rules and props regulations
No profanity is allowed on stage.
Nothing must leave your person while you are on the catwalk.
All prop weapons must conform to the Central Coast Comicon Weapons Policy
Only persons registered in the competition will have the opportunity to take the stage. Please assemble in front of and around the stage area and wait for your name to be called.
Do not enter or exit the catwalk except at the designated points.
Each contestant may only enter one costume into the competition.
Cosplay is not consent – Please keep your hands to yourself. If you would like to take a picture with a cosplayer or of a cosplayer, please ask first and respect their right to say no. We want Central Coast Comicon to be a fun and safe event for all! If you need help at anytime please speak to one of our volunteers or come see us the RYSS info desk.
Max height for props is 1.8 meters
Costumes/Props made from metals, glass or hardwood will need to be inspected at the entry gate and will only be let in if deemed safe by security.
NSW Police have legislation regarding weapons which included storage requirements, restricted items and licensing. See below for NSW laws regarding imitation and replica firearms NSW Police Imitation Firearms Fact Sheet > https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/140178/Imitation_Firearms_Permit_FACT_Sheet.pdf
Firearm props must either have an orange barrel plug or a painted, taped orange tip. You may remove the orange tip for photos but it must be put back on when walking around the convention and outside the convention.
No Projectiles are permitted loaded into any toy capable of firing. This includes; Foam Darts, Gel Caps, rubber balls, arrows or bolts, powder caps, explosive or power charges and any liquid. Nerf Guns are allowed, as are bows and crossbows, as long as they are incapable of firing any projectile.
Actual or Decommissioned Firearms, BB or Airsoft, Sports Weapons, Metal Replica, Cap Gun, Ammunition, Militaria/Collectors Pieces are NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES to be brought to Central Coast Comicon.
Metal Weapon Props are strictly prohibited. This includes and is not limited to the following: Knives, daggers, swords, metal chains and metal bats regardless of sharpness, live blade or training replicas. These items can cause serious damage to persons or property, and they are to remain at home. Examples of materials that are acceptable include Timber, Plastic and Foam.
Kitchen utensils, tools and accessories will be examined by security at the entry gates and let in if deemed safe. Actual tools (power, garden or hand operated) are not allowed. Examples include but are not limited to; axes, shovels, cutting or slicing implements and puncturing devices.
Proper footwear required no bare feet, no roller skates/blades or wheelies. You may take off your shoes for photos but they must be worn when walking around the convention
Large and bulky cosplay restrictions – the height limit on props is 1.8 metres. You may bring large/heavy props and costumes we want everyone to have a good time at Central Coast Comicon and seeing your amazing cosplays is part of what makes it amazing but please be responsible! No one wants to be whacked in the face every time you turn around or have heavy props fall on their feet. If you're wearing wings with a large wingspan 1 meter or more either, make sure they fold in or take them off if you're walking through crowded areas.

Anti-Harrassment Policy
We take the personal safety of our attendees very seriously and have created our Anti-Harassment, Personal Safety & Cosplay Policy to ensure that Central Coast Comicon is a event where everyone feels safe to attend.
Central Coast Comicon has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind.
Remember: Cosplay is not consent.
Keep your hands to yourself.
If you would like to take a picture with or of another Central Coast Comicon Fan, always ask first and respect that person's right to say no.
When at Central Coast Comicon, be respectful, be nice, be cool and be kind to each other.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual conduct which makes a person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated where that reaction is reasonable in the circumstances.
Sexual harassment can take various forms. It can involve:
unwelcome touching, hugging or kissing;
staring or leering;
suggestive comments or jokes;
unnecessary familiarity;
Following or stalking
behaviour which would also be an offence under the criminal law, such as physical assault, indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking or obscene communications.
Central Coast Comicon has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind, including but not limited to: stalking; intimidation; offensive verbal comments; physical assault and/or battery; harassing or non-consensual photography or recording; sustained disruption of panels, signings and other events; bathroom policing; inappropriate physical contact; unwelcome physical attention. In relation to, but not limited to: race, colour, national origin, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, age, body size, disability, appearance, religion, citizenship, pregnancy.
If a person engages in harassing behaviour, Central Coast Comicon Staff will take prompt action in any form they deem appropriate, including expulsion from Central Coast Comicon with no refund. Our policy applies to EVERYONE at the convention. Exhibitors, Fans (Attendees), Speakers, Guests, Media, Staff, Volunteers and Security are all subject to our anti-harassment policy.
Anyone can report harassment. If someone’s behaviour has made you uncomfortable or if you witness the same happening to someone else, you should immediately contact Central Coast Comicon's Security Team, Staff Member or Volunteer. If necessary, we will contact local law enforcement, provide escort, offer a safe place or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to make sure they feel safe for the rest of Central Coast Comicon.
Central Coast Comicon’s mission is to create a fun, safe, welcoming, awesome event where Fans of all kinds can come together and celebrate. We want you to not only have the most amazing day ever, but to experience it in an environment where you are safe and accepted. As Fans ourselves, we understand the importance of creating a safe space for everyone who attends Central Coast Comicon.